*This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. This, however, has no bearing on my reviews and comparisons. I vow to always be honest in my feedback and product reviews. Being a Certified Health Coach, this was supposed to be a no-brainer. I know food, I know ingredients, I know triggers. Perhaps my over confidence is what had me scratching my head for so long. I have two daughters, both who have suffered with eczema at some point in their lives. My elder daughter, Alaizah, had it as an infant, we used some great healthy products, it went away. It then returned many years later in the form of an allergic reaction. My younger daughter, Alainah, also had it, and it developed not only as an infant for her on her knees and elbows, but at 4 years old, it spread very terribly across the top of both of her hands.
What is Eczema?
According to the National Eczema Association, Eczema (eg-zuh-MUH) is an inflammatory skin condition that causes itchiness, dry skin, rashes, scaly patches, blisters and skin infections.
This can many times be confused with psoriasis which also shows up on the skin, but is an auto-immune disease.
What Causes Eczema? There can be many factors for eczema, some internal and some external. Much research is still being done on this, but what we have learned in recent times, is that major factors include, the environment, the weather, stress, allergies, and reactions to food being consumed.
Our Experience Alaizah's eczema started as an infant. After using Arbonne's Diaper Rash Cream on her eczema patches, it almost immediately went away! Arbonne's Diaper Rash Cream is a vegan certified, gluten free, non-gmo product. There are no parabens, and no artificial fragrances and no harsh chemicals. I should note: this cream was not marketed for eczema by the company, clearly. However, I had read reviews online by other moms who had said it had worked for them, and decided to give it a try since I already had some at home.
It did in fact work for us, and became my go to cream, not only for diaper rashes, but for years afterwards for all kinds or irritation, cuts, burns and eczema flare ups.
You can use my Affiliate link to get the cream here, don't forget to use the promo code "Arbonne10" to get an additional 10% off!
After many years, Alaizah had a major eczema flare up on her hands. Of course I started with the same rash cream, but this time it wouldn't work. Being a Certified Health Coach, I jumped to the conclusion it must be a food reaction. I started by cutting out sugar, then dairy, then gluten. Nothing was working! Her hands got worse and worse! We took her to the doctor, who prescribed Hydrocortisone, a very common steroid cream. This is not meant to be used long term, as it does thin out the skin and makes it sensitive to the sun. This cream not only didn't work for her, it turned my daughter's eczema patches a dark brownish/purple. Her hands looked like they belonged to an 80 year old! Her hands were getting worse, no creams were working, diet changes were not working, and weeks had gone by. We booked an appointment with an allergist, to rule out any allergies. We discovered she is allergic to CAT FUR! That solved a lot of questions we had! It was right around that time that her flare up happened, when she was around cat fur. I then turned to the internet to see what else we could use to help calm her skin down. Now that we knew the reason, it gave us some relief, and a better idea on the solution we needed. That was when I discovered this amazing cream online! After tons of research, reading reviews, and relying on a return policy if I needed it.... I purchased this super affordable cream, called Flexitol Eczema Relief Cream, specifically for children! This is a steroid free formula specifically designed for the management of eczema. This Eczema Relief Cream is designed to apply as needed to eczema flare ups and minor skin irritations.
I applied this cream twice a day on her super patchy eczema. We started seeing a huge improvement in 3 days. By day 7, her skin had completely cleared up! The dark patches were gone, and her hands look like there had never been any issue! We were super pleased and highly recommend this affordable option to anyone looking for eczema relief! It is listed for $14.97 on Amazon. You can purchase this cream from Amazon Canada, using my Affiliate link below.
For Amazon US, you can use this link:
A couple of years later, Alainah had a similar outbreak of eczema on her hands.
This time I knew exactly what to try first. We opted for the same Flexitol cream again, and had the same results! In 7 days, her hands cleared up!
We now keep both creams handy, just in case the girls have another eczema flare up!
We are prepared and confident this is one thing we have covered!
We are still using the Arbonne cream as well, as clean ingredients without harsh chemicals is super important to us! For all the scrapes, burns and irritations anyone in the house may go through.
Have you tried either of these creams?
Did they work for you?
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